FAQs About Our Dumpster Services

1. How long do I get to keep the dumpster?

A. The price includes a 1 week rental however, we can customize a long term rental if that's what your job requires.

2. What if I fill the dumpster and still have more to dispose of?

A. All you need to do is call us and we will bring an empty dumpster to your location and remove the full one.

3. Can I move the dumpster myself to a different location on my job site?

A. No, the dumpsters are specifically designed only to be moved with our trucks and damage may occur if you attempt to move by any other method.

4. Is there a weight limit?

A. Yes, maximum weight is as follows...
14yd - 14,000 #
20yd - 22,000 #
30yd - 22,000 #

5. Will I be charged any landfill charges?

A. It depends on what material is put in the dumpster and if it is a commercial or residential address.

6. How full can I fill the dumpster?

A. In most cases you may fill the dumpster level to the top, but if it is heavy material (concrete, dirt etc..), it will be less to reach the maximum weight of 14,000 lbs for the 14yd and 22,000 lbs for the 20 and 30yd dumpsters.

The Department of Transportation requires us to completely cover and secure the load for transport to the landfill.

7. Is there anything that is not allowed to go in the dumpsters?

A. Yes, the landfill has a list of items that cannot be disposed of, you should check the Brevard County Landfill website or call us if you are unsure. Some examples of prohibited items include; ammunition, batteries, hazardous material(gas, oil, paint, ect..), tires, Tvs, computers and propane tanks.

8. Are there any hidden fees?

A. No, the price you are quoted is based on the location the dumpster will be placed, the amount of time you will have it, and the material being loaded in it.

9. Will the dumpster damage my concrete driveway?

A. No, our drivers use extreme care when loading and unloading dumpsters. If you are still concerned about it feel free to place a sheet of plywood down and our driver will be happy to place the dumpster on it for you.

10. Can you place the dumpster in the grass instead of the driveway?

A. Yes, in most cases as long as the grass/dirt is level and firm and there are no low trees, septic tank, drain field or sprinklers in the area.

11. Is there a door that opens?

A. Yes, there is a door in the rear of the dumpster that can be opened to load heavy or hard to handle items or even use a wheel barrel.
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